Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Season 1 Review

Ian Nguyen-Do
4 min readOct 30, 2020


A musical comedy series that really makes you want to sing and cry. This show hits all the right notes.

The series follows Zoey Clarke. An introverted, but brilliant programmer who after a freak accident in an MRI machine discovers she has the ability to perceive the deepest thoughts and feelings of people. This is seen through musical numbers where she can hear what someone is thinking through singing and dancing.

The musical numbers are some of the best parts of the show especially later on in episode 8 where her own thoughts are being seen by everyone else. The show wouldn't really work if it wasn't for all the characters. We can learn about each character, and therefore when they are singing, it backs each character more relatable, and we can understand them better.

It can be compared to a police procedural in terms of the story structure in a sense. Whenever there is a character that Zoey hears singing, it means that there is a problem that they have, and Zoey is sort of like the detective that helps them solve or understand their problem.

The musical numbers are also very creative. From the dance choreography to the singing itself. Each musical number is made with the greatest care for the audience. And it shot in a way that makes it believable that Zoey hears it in her head. Whenever a character starts singing, the background characters are still present. Still, they take no notice of the singing and dancing and don't participate unless the song and the situation call for backup dancers.

The show is also very heartfelt and emotional. Zoeys Dad, Mitch Clarke, played by David Gallagher, is the emotional core of the show. He has PSP and at the start of the series, doesn't have long to live. Most of Gallagher's performance is through the musical numbers that he has, and it is through Zoey’s new ability that her Dad can communicate with her and their family. Gallagher’s performance excellent considering he doesn't speak and all his acting has to be done through his face and his actions, he can give a really great performance.

Other members of Zoey’s family include her Mum, her brother David Clarke and Sister-in-Law Emily Kang, played by Mary Steenburgen, Andrew Leeds, and Alice Lee respectively. The family dynamic also plays a big role in the series as they are all dealing with Mitch’s condition and have to help each other through this time.

Skyler Astin plays Zoey’s best friend Max, who also works as a programmer at the same company. It is revealed early on that He has feelings for her, and the way that it is shown is hilarious. She hears him serenade to her, and throughout the rest of season 1 has to try to deal with this revelation without telling him that she knows. Max also becomes aware of her powers, and this creates tension between them in the latter part of the season.

Throughout helping people with their problems, it also allows Zoey’s character to grow. At the start of the series, she is introverted and doesn't really know how to share her feelings with others. Having this ability to hear other peoples thoughts allows her to be more comfortable with having this type of conversations with others.

The episode which made me really love this show is Episode 8. Zoey and her family receive news from David’s doctor that his conditioning is getting worse and that he doesn't have long to live. This episode is truly the highlight of the season, from the acting to the music to the story. Everything about this episode is amazing.

After hearing the bad news from the doctor, Zoey’s powers begin to malfunction. Because of the devastating news, she is suddenly compelled to show her feelings through various musical numbers. She isn't singing in her head. She is actually singing and dancing out loud. The way that the episode is shot is ingenious. There are times where we see the musical number being performed in her head where everything is choreographed and perfect. Then it cuts to the reality where we see her just singing normally and dancing around. Seeing both scenarios makes it even funnier than just knowing what she is doing. The ending of this episode where she sings to her Dad is really emotional because, this time she isn't singing in her head, it’s all real.

The way season1 ended makes you really want to see a second. All the character interactions and especially the scenes where there is a ensemble choreography for the musical numbers were all highlights for me.

Season 2 will definitely bring in some big changes for the characters. It will be interesting to see how the writers move the show along after the ending. There will definitely be unresolved tension between Zoey, Simon, and Max after the season finale.

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist first aired on NBC on January 7 2020. The second season is currently in production and is expected to last until March 2021.



Ian Nguyen-Do

My name is Ian and I will be posting blogs about my favourite things. I love Film, food and, lots of other things. Come and check out my blog .