Batman is my most anticipated superhero film to be released.

Ian Nguyen-Do
2 min readOct 16, 2020


Tim Burton’s Batman was the first superhero film I remember watching. Seeing superhero fight the bad guys and face off with the Joker was a memorable experience. Fast forward to now, and we have gotten 4 other versions of Batman on the big screen.

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Now, Robert Pattinson is going to become the Caped Crusader, in 2022’s The Batman directed by Matt Reeves, and starring the likes of Zoe Kravitz, Andy Serkis, Paul Dano, Colin Farrell, Jefferey Wright. This film has a load of talent in front of the camera and has an excellent director behind the camera.

Matt Reeves work on the Planet of the Apes movies increased my excitement for the movie. War for the Planet of the Apes was a brilliant film which explored the effects of war and the legacy of the character of Caesar brilliantly. Not to mention the amazing performance of Andy Serkis in that film and his motion-capture work throughout the years.

The film is going to explore the second year of Batmans crime-fighting, which is a unique way to tell the story. The other films depict Batman either starting as a new vigilante (Dark Knight Trilogy) or someone who is already at his prime and has been fighting for years ( Batman 1989, Batman v Superman. We know that this film is the first of a planned trilogy and while The Dark Knight Trilogy depicted his crimefighting from its beginning to end, we haven't seen a story told on the big screen where he isn't a new vigilante but, isn't a revered figure.

Warner Bros/DC FanDome

Being able to explore how he gets used to being this vigilante will be very interesting. Not only can the film explore his psychological state but, it can depict a Gotham in which hasn't been really affected by his actions yet. We know that Gotham in the film will still be full of crime and I think that it an interesting place to bring the viewers.

It seems as though there will be a verisimilitude to the film. While other films showed Batman with all of these high-level gadgets, it seems this film will be taking a more grounded approach.

The Batman Trailer 23 August 2020, Movie Coverage



Ian Nguyen-Do

My name is Ian and I will be posting blogs about my favourite things. I love Film, food and, lots of other things. Come and check out my blog .